ExtremeCloud IQ – API and Automation

ExtremeCloud IQ – API and Automation

ExtremeCloud IQ – API and Automation
Course Price $900.00

Course Description

At the end of this course, you will understand API and Automation concepts and be aware of a variety of tools and methods for automating ExtremeCloud IQ deployments. Automation is about turning repetitive jobs into self-proceeding procedures with use of scripts. Besides automating day-to-day tasks, this course is also about automating deployments. All these automations, tasks, workflows, and scripts result in a more efficient and effective way of doing business, but it also reduces human errors for “simple” and recurring tasks. Scripting skills are required to master automation and implement solutions independently, but instruction about custom scripting is limited. All scripts required for the labs are provided.

Duration Delivery Method Mandatory Prerequisite Who Should Attend
2 Days
  • Classroom Instructor-led training
  • Virtual Instructor-led training
This is an introduction level API course. Frequent and experienced API users are not encouraged to enroll.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the working knowledge to:

  • Learners will be able to define what an API is and how a business can benefit from using APIs and automation.
  • Identify the four common data manipulation operations which are known under the CRUD abbreviation
  • Identify different types of APIs, specifically RESTful APIs, GraphQL, SOAP, and Websockets.
  • Identify the different products from Extreme Networks that offer APIs
  • Learn about and practice using the most common scripting languages including Visual Programming, Python, JavaScript, and flow-based visual programming.
  • Identify examples of network configuration and automation by using ExtremeCloud APIs
  • Use tools to quickly create a dashboard using ExtremeCloud APIs
  • Identify best practices regarding security


  • API functionality
  • CRUD operations
  • Exploring GraphQL
  • ExtremeCloud Swagger UI
  • Creating a Private Pre-Shared Key (PPSK)
  • Scripting language options along with their use cases and strengths including Python Script, JavaScript, and Node-RED
  • Authorizing against ExtremeCloud IQ
  • Authentication and authorization with XIQ-SE
  • Automating a deployment with Python